President & Chief Minister to lead speakers in Summit

BARMM Chief Minister Ebrahim

Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and BARMM Chief Minister Murad Ebrahim have been invited to lead the speakers in the First Bangsa Moro Global Economic Summit on August 19, 2019. Other invited speakers include Sec. Pernia of the National Economic Development Authority, Sec. Ramon Lopez of of the Dept. of Trade and Industry and National Commission on Muslim Filipinos Sec. Saidamen Pangarungan. Local businessmen from the various chambers of commerce are expected to contribute to the discussion as well as international businessmen and foreign dignitaries.

There will be a book launching during the day. The book by DTI Undersecretary Abdulgani Macatoman is about the Global Halal Economy.

There will also be a presentation of the “Bandar a Inged” Smart Global City, a project of the Bangsa Moro Federal Business Council, Inc. (BFBCI).

2 thoughts on “President & Chief Minister to lead speakers in Summit”

  1. Alhamdulillah and congratulations to the officer and members of BFBCI and hoping to represent the muslim private sector in the country after all the ongoing role of muslim SMEs for dawwah,peace and economic development must strenghten and create a umbrella organization and invite legitimate muslim business organization,chambers and association to joint the umbrella order to represent the muslim private be recognize by the government…
    Thank you.

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