CM Ebrahim: This Summit…key to devt of BM region

The BARMM Chief Minister Ahod Balaweg Ebrahim said: “This Summit will be a key to the continuing efforts for the development of the region.” The Chief Minister was referring to the Bangsa Moro Global Economic Summit held last August 19, 2019 at the Manila Hotel

The summit – the first Bangsa Moro economic summit – was participated by heads of various chambers of commerce in the Philippines, delegates from the diplomatic corps and local and foreign business people. Government economic officials led by NEDA Director-General and Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Dr. Ernesto Pernia, Philippine Economic Zone Authority Director-General Dr. Charito Plaza, and Department of Finance’s Undersecretary and Chief Economist Gil Beltran shared their thoughts on the economic prospects of BARMM.

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